Christmas was so much fun this year, being a parent adds a whole new perspective to everything. Seeing through the eyes of a child is one of lifes best gifts. Watching Samantha look in amazement at all the Christmas lights on the tree, ripping the paper on her presents, playing with the other kids. It is a joy that I never could understand when I wasn’t a parent.
Christmas in Wisconsin was a very quick trip, but we managed to pack a lot into it. Grandma took Samantha out sliding with the other grand kids. Samantha loved it. Not sure if she knew what was going on, but the cold wind in the face and the little blasts of snow made her really smile and laugh.
At Grandma Stirsman’s house was so much fun, all the adults enjoyed playing with Samantha. She would go from person to person playing and just plain being goofy. It was nice seeing Ricky & Jen before they moved to Fl, we wish them the best of luck and can’t wait to hear how it goes. Life’s and adventure, good luck Rick. We had some great food & drinks too, we made a small contest and everyone had to bring something. There was some great food. Many thanks to Grandma for hosting.
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