First Kicks for Dad

First Kicks for Dad


August 30, 2009


For the last week or so, mom has been able to feel you kicking and moving around inside her.  It was quite a fun thing to witness, you would catch her off-guard with a quick little jab and she would give out a little yelp and start laughing.  I have to be honest, it scared me at first.  I didn’t know what was happening to your mom, I thought something was wrong or something.  It didn’t take long before mom was looking forward to your kicking, knowing you were OK.

I started to get a bit jealous though, I would lay my hand on mom’s belly and wait, and wait….nothing.  Mom would say “did you feel her?” but I couldn’t feel you kicking.   We would try and try but I was not able to feel you kick.

I guess this is a bonus for mom’s for all they go through.  They get to connect with you in ways us fathers don’t get to right away.

I FEEL IT….I FEEL IT, well it happened today.  I got to feel you kick.  It was an amazing experience, it was one of the most amazing things I’ve felt in my life.  You didn’t kick very long, just long enough for me to feel you.   Thank you…….

I’m sure you will be dancing up a storm in there, I’ll be on the outside patiently waiting my turn for our tap dance.

Til our next Dance.

Love Dad